【プレスリリース】9/10(木) 記者会見 安全保障法制に対するNGO国際共同声明 / Press conference: International joint statement against the security bill




【安全保障法制に対する NGO国際共同声明 記者会見のご案内】


NGO非戦ネットは、現場で国際協力活動・交流活動を行うNGOの有志が集う緩やかなネットワークです(賛同団体67団体、NGO職員など個人賛同約600人 2015年9月5日現在)。国際協力・交流活動に取り組むNGOや市民の立場から、現在国会で審議されている安全保障関連法案とこの法案を中心とした日本を戦争ができる国にしようとする動きに反対します。

この度、賛同団体および非営利で公に利する活動を組織として行っている国内外の団体計約300団体(詳しい賛同数は当日発表いたします)による「安全保障法制に反対するNGO 国際共同声明」を発表いたします。

記者会見詳細:「安全保障法制に反対するNGO 国際共同声明」記者会見

  • 日時:2015年9月10日(木)15:30-16:45
  • 会場:参議院議員会館B-104会議室 http://www.sangiin.go.jp/japanese/taiken/shuhen/shuhen.html
  • 内容:NGO共同声明発表、趣旨についてhttp://ngo-nowar.net/2015/09/02/jointstatement/(日、英、韓)
  • スピーカー:
    • 伊藤和子(ヒューマンライツ・ナウ事務局長/弁護士/NGO非戦ネット呼びかけ人)
    • 谷山博史(日本国際ボランティアセンター(JVC)代表理事/国際協力NGOセンター理事長、NGO非戦ネット呼びかけ人)
    • レシャード・カレッド(静岡県島田市レシャード医院院長。アフガニスタン支援NGO「カレーズの会」理事長)
    • ほか、調整中
NGO非戦ネット http://ngo-nowar.net/
日本国際ボランティアセンター(JVC)  白川
TEL: 03-3834-2388 / E-mail: info@ngo-nowar.net





Press Conference on International “NGO Joint Statement Against the Security Bills” by NGO No War Network, September 10, 2015 Tokyo, Japan

On September 10, a day before the 14th-year memorial of 9.11, NGO No War Network is calling the press conference on “the Joint Statement Against the Security Bills” by totally 300 NGOs and non-profit organizations in and outside Japan (The actual number will be announced later on) to express our strong concern and opposition to the currently proposed Security Bills in Japan.

Japanese, English and Korean versions of the statement are available. (http://ngo-nowar.net/2015/09/02/jointstatement/)

 NGO No War Network, as a group of concerned citizens and NGOs promoting international cooperation and exchange, stands together in opposition to the security bills that are currently being debated in the Japanese Diet, and the attempt to make Japan a country that can go to war. The network is associated by 67 organizations and approximately 600 NGO staff supporters (Sept 5th, 2015).



Date & Time:       Thursday, 10 September 2015. 15:30-16:45
Venue:                Room B-104, Member’s office building of the House of Councilors
Kazuko Ito, Secretary General of Human Rights Now, Lawyer
Hiroshi Taniyama, President of Japan International Volunteer Center / President of Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation
Dr. Khaled Reshad, Medical Doctor & Executive Director, Karez Health & Educational Service
and others


About “NGO No War Network”

On July 4, 2002, original NGO NO WAR NETWORK was established by the NGOs that felt a sense of crisis in the face of the post-9/11 “War on Terror” and ensuing limits on civil liberties in the name of anti-terrorism that took the world by storm. At the time, the US was proceeding with its preparation for the war in Iraq, and emergency legislation was being deliberated in the Japanese Diet. The network was eventually dissolved, but in the face of the current international situation and Japan’s rapidly developing policies that will lead the country to war, we felt we could not stand idly by. Thus, the no warfare movement was reestablished, incorporating the spirit of the original network on July 2, 2015.

Contact Details: NGO No War Network (http://ngo-nowar.net/)
Tohru SHIRAKAWA (Mr), Japan International Volunteer Center(JVC)
TEL: 03-3834-2388 / E-mail: info@ngo-nowar.net

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